Search Results
O'Reilly MySQL CE 2010: Robin Schumacher, "Calpont's InfiniDB"
O'Reilly MySQL CE 2010: Slava Akhmechet and Michael Glukhovsky, "RethinkDB: ..."
O'Reilly MySQL CE 2010: Bradley C. Kuszmaul, "What is a Performance Model for SSDs?"
O'Reilly MySQL CE 2010: Sheeri K. Cabral, "MySQLtuner 2.0"
O'Reilly MySQL CE 2010: Baron Schwartz, "What is the Difference Between XtraDB and Others?"
O'Reilly MySQL CE 2010: Michael Widenius, "State of MariaDB"
O'Reilly MySQL CE 2010: "The Best of Ignite MySQL"
O'Reilly MySQL CE 2011: Mike Olson, "The Next Decade in Data Management"
Jim Tommaney, CTO of Calpont discusses InfiniDB
Sheeri Cabral interviewed at MySQL 2010
Jim Tommaney about InfiniDB
Michael Widenius interviewed at MySQL Conference 2010